The marketing study of the global and Russian salt markets is an analysis of the salt market as a whole and in terms of the main segments, including the dynamics of key indicators over the past 7 years, the results of 2016, and the forecast of salt production in Russia until 2020
The analysis of the world salt market presents data on the volumes of production, import and export in physical and monetary terms. The report presents both general data over the past 8 years, and data on the main countries of production, importers and exporters. The study contains a forecast of global demand for salt.
The Russian salt market is estimated as the balance of domestic production and the volume of imported salt minus exports. The largest Russian salt producers, producers of imported salt, and the main consumers of salt stand out. Analysis of the Russian salt market contains data on the volume of trade with the countries of the Customs Union.
The report contains profiles of the largest producers of imported and exported salt: State Enterprise “Artemsol”, ESCO-EUROPEAN SALT COMPANY GMBH & CO KG, LLC “RUSSOL-UKRAINE”.
A study of the salt market contains a forecast of salt production in Russia until 2020.
Analysis of the global salt market in general and across the world:
global salt production;
salt intake in the world;
world trade in salt.
Analysis of salt production in the country:
salt production in Russia;
the structure of salt production: table salt (extraction), including sea water and salt solutions; salt for livestock (salt feed).
salt production geography;
salt producing companies;
producer prices of salt.
Salt import analysis:
the volume and dynamics of imports of salt;
import structure of salt by type;
salt import geography;
salt import prices;
major manufacturers of imported products;
characteristic of import of certain types of salt: food iodized salt, food iodized, salt denatured or for industrial purposes.
Analysis of Russian salt exports:
volume and dynamics of salt exports;
salt export structure;
salt export geography;
export salt prices;
exported salt producers.
Calculation of the balance of the Russian salt market:
volume of the Russian salt market in physical terms;
the share of imported products on the market;
volume of the Russian salt market in terms of value.
Estimation of demand in the Russian salt market:
major salt consumers;
branch structure of salt consumption;
salt consumption patterns;
salt consumption geography;
salt consumer prices;
retail sales of salt.
According to the data for 2016, the production of table salt increased by ***%, amounting to *** million tons.
Most of the volume of salt production in Russia is occupied by “technical” salt. According to the data for 2016, the share of food (salt) in the production structure accounted for only ***% of all salt produced in Russia.
In the structure of the proceeds from the sale of salt among the regions-producers, the Orenburg region has the largest share - according to the 2016 estimate, its share is ***%. It is followed by the Irkutsk region, whose share is ***%.
According to estimates for 2016, the volume of Russian salt imports in physical terms will decrease to *** thousand tons, which is ***% less than the 2015 figure.
Salt exports to Kazakhstan in 2016 amounted to *** ths. Tons, which is 6.9% more than in 2015. In monetary terms, there is a negative trend - for 2016 salt was shipped to the country for *** thousand dollars.