About trade marketing programs
Trade marketing - sales promotion in the trade network and among resellers. Thus, the goal of trade marketing is to build a high-quality distribution and effective functioning of the entire marketing channel, which will ensure quality sales. Over the years, numerous definitions of the term “marketing marketing” have been used, which, by the way, have been vague to this day, judging from the numerous publications on the Internet, the press, and forums. Creating this site, I set myself the task of formulating an exact and comprehensive concept of trade marketing. When I talk about this, I am talking about events applied throughout the product life cycle with respect to market participants who are somehow responsible for quality sales: the consumer, the distributor, the dealer, the seller. The purpose of the development and application of the program is to remove barriers to sales, short-term increase in sales, and, of course, increase the number of buyers.
Marketing marketing objectives
Big target marketing marketing
The global goal of trade marketing can be formulated as: an increase in the number of buyers, an increase in the quantity of goods purchased by the same buyer.
However, sales marketing activities have several goals, since the number of goals depends on the target of the marketing. The more target audiences, the greater the number of those who are responsible for quality sales, the quality of sales in the end, the more types of target audiences and objects of marketing impact:
The seller is a direct contact with the buyer and the product from the marketing channel;
Reseller (dealer, distributor);
Purpose - Buyer
The buyer - the primary object of impact of trade marketing, has the greatest significance, and the entire marketing policy is aimed specifically at the consumer. A wide range of sales promotion techniques was developed for the sole purpose of attracting consumers and satisfying their needs in the most efficient way possible, and preferably not in the most costly way.
The purpose of trade marketing, addressed to the consumer - to stimulate the desire of buyers to choose a particular product, brand. The better we encourage "the desire to buy" - the more quantitative and qualitative indicators of sales: gross sales, sales by assortment, by brands, sales of new products, etc.
Goal - consumer
Most trade marketers with whom I spoke and asked for the express formulation of their goals suggest that the main purpose of trade marketing is to facilitate and stimulate sales in the store. Easier sales - maximum growth in turnover and profits. However, the desire to sell as much of the product as possible, and the concentration of all efforts to “vtyuhivanie” goods at any price without taking into account the subsequent reaction of the consumer can result in a loss - the lack of secondary sales, not an increase in the number of regular customers. And since the number of buyers does not increase year-on-year (they do not arrive monthly by steamboats from distant countries), while manufacturers and sellers become more and more, the desire to increase current revenue without considering its impact on the future may lead to loss of competitiveness. I am talking about the constant monitoring and evaluation of the degree of satisfaction from the consumption of the purchased goods and the adjustment of the marketing characteristics of the goods - as a result of the close work of trade marketing with the consumer.
The purpose of trade marketing, addressed to the consumer - secondary sales, the growth in the number of regular customers.
Trade marketing and seller
As written above, the seller is the only one who is the direct contact with the buyer, the skills and abilities, as well as the knowledge of the product and the seller’s personal interest in selling the goods should not be ignored by the trade marketing. In the interests of the company, the task of marketing is to stimulate, encourage, increase the professional quality of the seller.
The purpose of sales marketing, addressed to the seller: to turn indifferent-neutral to the product, not interested and not knowing anything about the product of the seller in a motivated specialist, marketer, "first line", if you are ready to accept this wording. The formulated goal is achievable if it correlates with the personal goals of the seller: income growth associated with your product, solving personal and professional problems.
If we talk about income growth, then it is worthwhile to increase permanent basic income, or to receive additional income in the form of bonuses and benefits. When I talk about the personal and professional problems of the seller and their solution to you, there is one remarkable and very controversial statement that illustrates the topic: “Laziness drives progress. It was from laziness that a person took the stick for the first time in order to remove the fruit from the tree.” If your goods on the shelves at least does not force the seller to work more - this is good. If inWith the help of well-developed marketing, our product sells itself, but it does not require the labor of the sales staff — any retailer and retailer in the retail will be happy to work with such a product. What has been said is obvious, but the opposite is doubly valid. Mistakes trade marketing, branding, positioning - ultimately affect the "convenience" of the seller, and even with high consumer properties of the product, and consumer voting in his favor, he is doomed. Trade marketing for a reseller Trading intermediary, dealer, distributor trading your goods interested in getting benefits for myself. It is important for him that good sales of goods are not a goal, but a means to increase their own well-being and name. And even the most loyal intermediary to you and your product, who develops his marketing programs related to your product and brand, makes them for the purpose of gaining his own benefit. The goal of sales marketing, addressed to the agent, is managing sales of our product directly from the intermediary, eliminating the causes of promotion of goods in the marketing channel and the correlation of your goals in relation to the product and the buyer with the objectives of the intermediary. Concretization of goals tells us that when stimulating an intermediary, attention should be paid to: giving the product the image we need, making the product recognizable and ensuring loyalty to the management product of the intermediary, increasing the number of goods entering the distribution network, encouraging the distribution network to sell the entire assortment list , of all trade marks. to increase the interest of an intermediary in the active marketing of a particular brand, etc. The goals of trade marketing are in time, if we are talking about that the marketing task is “to make sales efforts unnecessary,” then the marketing marketing goals will inevitably change depending on the time of the product life cycle, on the market conjuncture. In trying to classify the goals of sales marketing by time, I came to the conclusion that there are goals: Strategic goals for sales marketing; Tactical goals; Specific goals (though I don’t like this name, suggest something else); Strategic goals: Several strategic goals, all of them are described above, We will reduce them here: increase in the number of buyers (increase in the number of purchases, increase in the number of store receipts that contain your goods), increase in the amount of purchases attributable to your goods in each of the store receipts; regular customers whether (stability of sales); building a stable, extensive marketing channel * (not only sales, but also the entire marketing channel); increasing the number of invoices ** for shipping with your product; increasing the amount attributable to your product in each of the invoices ** for shipment; the seller * in the store is your seller; It is quite obvious that it is necessary to control the practical results of achieving these goals, with the definition of KPI, setting goals and centerroling. * Objectives are described, which are not numerical, but even under them you can put estimates; ** We are talking about shipping invoices issued by your dealers, distributors, sales personnel of your company. Tactical goals With tactical goals, everything is more complicated, they are diverse, branched, we will describe the main and typical ones: working out an advertising company; putting in a new marketing channel; working out event marketing; benefit from "punctures" of competitors in any of the links of the marketing channel; monitoring the results of current marketing activities; working out sales seasonality; Tactical goals of trade marketing can also be divided into the goals of general incentives, selective incentives. General incentives applied at the point of sale are distinguished by a clear goal, it serves as a tool for the general revitalization of trade. The purpose of selective incentives is to compensate temporarily arising sales problems, for one reason or another, in one or another link of the marketing channel. Specific objectives are: regulation of wastewater, disposal of visicas, organization of cross-selling (internal and external, with the participation of third-party goods), camouflaging of rolling, dumping ("drain"), closing direction, sale of residues.