The ideal distribution system is the one that is able to generate earnings today and ensure the stability of the distribution business of tomorrow, and the more…
Архив новостей
Архив новостей: November 2018
Sale is one of the tools of trade marketing. Sale is carried out to increase sales and get rid of old goods. But this discount event can be called successful when…
In a small close negotiation, about two dozen managers gathered and gave away sales that were free from the “telephone watch”. In the stuffy air between the managers…
I understand perfectly well that many people read "diagonally", therefore let us once again express the idea: We are not talking about the channel of movement of…
The functioning of an organization on a time scale can be represented in terms of a life cycle, meaning both the procedural nature of development and its staging.…
Hierarchical type of control structures Management structures in many modern enterprises were built in accordance with the principles of management formulated in…
When determining a company's strategy, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors: goals, market conditions, the company's position on it, competitors'…
In order to manage, you need, after all, to have an exact plan for some any decent time .. Bulgakov Master and Margarita Formalize a strategy I have already…
Any company is interested in improving the efficiency of business and staff. The achievement of these goals is greatly facilitated by the introduction of quantitatively…
Briefly in points, preparing for a detailed presentation Actually, this is not even a SWOT analysis, but an attempt to systematize the answers to traditional SWOT…
And even so, the task of the manufacturer is not at all in sales. To be engaged in distribution effectively, you need to have unique skills and technologies, this…
In the article “Distribution channel. Pushing, or to whom the product opens the door,” I only casually mentioned the role of players in the distribution channel…
One in the field ... How many have seen, in most Russian companies, the head of the sales department independently ensures the implementation of a quarter to a…
The purpose of the regional division of USA, the allocation in the structure of the sales department of territorial divisions is the need to ensure a managed stable…
Competition is development. The competitive environment stimulates the development of distribution. The realization that "your" dealer network, built, diluted and…
The first stage of distribution development At the first stage of development of the marketing channel, the vendor seeks to achieve the so-called "quantitative"…
The name of the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats - SWOT-analysis, comes from the reduction of words: Strengths - strengths, strengths; Weaknesses…
When implementing the task of building a marketing channel, sooner or later, the question arises of how, in practice, to organize the company's work in sales and…
The following pricing methods exist: "Average costs plus profit"; break-even analysis and ensuring targeted profit; pricing based on the perceived value of…
Marketing communications In general, communication is the interdisciplinary task of building the processes of dissemination and circulation of information in a…
What is trade promotion (trade promotion)? Trade promotion (trade promotion) is a set of incentive marketing tools used to increase and / or accelerate sales of…
Legal side dealership Even so, the dealer performs the functions of the latter in a multilevel marketing channel of an intermediary link between the manufacturer…
Several times I have already returned to the topic of sales forecasting, nevertheless I consider it necessary to formulate and specify a separate note by the marketing…
About trade marketing programs Trade marketing - sales promotion in the trade network and among resellers. Thus, the goal of trade marketing is to build a high-quality…
In the first note of the marketing specialist “Company strategy for working with regions” I listed in detail the well-known principles of working with regions without…
The company's strategy for working with regions 3. Sales Representative In the first note of the marketing specialist “Company strategy for working with regions”…
During the implementation of the BSC has become a broad management system. Many see in it the framework structure of the entire management process. It is especially…
The basis of the second book of R. Kaplan and D. Norton “The Strategy - Focused Organization” (“Strategy-Oriented Organization”) formed the study, during which a…
In the previous note by the marketer, we looked at the need for the introduction of BSC, determined what a Balanced Scorecard is. In this article we will look at…
High-quality strategies and not high-quality implementation Marketing today is working under the conditions of the highest competition in the markets over the entire…
If your product or service is really good If your product or service is really good, they have to sell themselves. Is it so? And if so, how and when? We want the…
Marketing Distribution As I wrote earlier in the article “Marketing channel. Definition”: distribution is no longer just a commodity and logistics distribution…
In sales, there is such a thing as "distance selling" - professional sales carried out remotely. Recently, they are increasingly referred to as "virtual sales",…
What is niche marketing? The marketer’s dictionary provides an exhaustive answer: niche marketing — marketing in a market economy; marketing in a narrow segment…
Why do I often say that distribution, as a type of business, is dying? Not only because before my eyes there are many examples of the fact that this is a process…
So, is it necessary to optimize the customer base, or why does a marketer in a company have unprofitable customers? Sales statistics state that if 80% of sales from…